You can access your User Settings by clicking on your username or icon in the top right corner and selecting Profile. In the User Settings, you can change your displayed name and set your profile picture.You can change your password by typing in your old password and then the new password twice.You can also change
PeakSignage can be utilized on mobile devices. The Super Administrator access on the mobile interface gives you access to add and remove screens, manage and assign contents, and change clients. Currently, the ‘Content Editor’ is not available on mobile devices. You can see a brief overview of our mobile interface below: You can also manage
In the Device Analytics menu, you can see hardware, network, and more information about your devices in graphs. You can reach the Analytics tab by clicking the Analytics button on the horizontal menu. Or you can open the context menu of a device and select the Screen analytics option. Devices upload a data set of
Webhooks Webhooks are “user-defined HTTP callbacks”. They are usually triggered by an event like a comment being posted to a blog. When that event occurs, the source site makes an HTTP request to the URL configured for the webhook. Users can configure them to cause events on one site to invoke behaviour on another. When
In the Users menu, you can manage the users that are under your client. You can create new users, with the Add new button. You have to fill in the user’s name, E-mail address, Role, and Password. If the server has a configured SMTP service you do not need to give a password for the