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Mobiles Maps

mobile wayfinding search

Mobile Wayfinding

Enhance the user experience with mobile wayfinding. Geowayfinding is a digital wayfinding solution which helps organisations connect with their audience and provide accurate location and navigation information.

mobile wayfinding search

Mobile Wayfinding

Enhance the user experience with mobile wayfinding. Geowayfinding is a digital wayfinding solution which helps organisations connect with their audience and provide accurate location and navigation information.

An intelligent mobile wayfinding solution

Improved user

Reduce stress and negative user association with your facilities

crafted maps

Clear, concise and beautifully designed mobile maps

Technology agnostic

Utilise mobile wayfinding on any device and any internet brower

Intelligent user

Built to respond to user needs with dynamic routes and smart search

Looking for an interactive wayfinding solution?

Looking for an interactive wayfinding solution?

Looking for an interactive wayfinding solution?

Easy access

Geowayfinding generated maps are accessible over simple URL. The map can be shared easily with others, where it can be opened on any other devices. 

  • Share maps easily across devices
  • No need for users to download software
mobile wayfinding web map
digital wayfinding smart search

User intuitive features

Designed with user needs in mind, our digital wayfinding solution has a number of features which empowers users to find a location, key information and the best route in a few clicks.  

  • Search single or multi-site maps
  • Categorisation and point-of-interest shortcuts 
  • Information pop-ups allow users so get more information about a location such as opening hours

Multi-site functionality

Dynamic mobile wayfinding supports facilities across multiple floors and multiple sites. Suitable for indoor or outdoor environments too, the software has unlimited capability.

  • Users can switch between floors and sites easily in the map
  • Clear and concise design
multi-site wayfinding platform
wayfinding management control dashboard

Web-based dashboard

With a complete end-to-end, web-based dashboard you have the freedom to update and change your mobile maps as you please. 

  • Real-time updates
  • Manage all sites from one place
  • Change colours, add POIs and more

Accessible routes

Geowayfinding features accessible routes for disabled users as standard. Accessible routes shown will only use paths with flat or easily accessible ground, widened corridors and elevators.

  • Wheelchair friendly paths
  • Avoid routes with possible limitations
interactive wayfinding accessible routes
wayfinding kiosks and digital signage

Hardware integration

Integrate digital wayfinding with hardware including digital signage and self-service kiosks. Provide further points of engagement for your users. 

  • Hardware agnostic

Additional features​​​​​

A variety of bespoke features are available to customise our mobile maps to your organisation's needs. 

  • Blue dot positioning and live tracking
  • Integrate with your existing systems including room booking and staff directories
geowayfinding animation

Speak to our team on  +44 (0)191 341 0016

Speak to our team on  +44 (0)191 341 0016

Speak to our team on
+44 (0)191 341 0016

Case Study

Northumbria University

northumbria university wayfinding
northumbria university qr code wayfinding
northumbria university indoor map

LamasaTech worked with Northumbira University on digital wayfinding software during campus development. Designed to help students and staff locate offices and teaching locations across campus, the mobile maps can be accessed easily on mobile devices and shared on university resources. 

Case Study

Northumbria University

northumbria university wayfinding
northumbria university qr code wayfinding

LamasaTech worked with Northumbira University on digital wayfinding software during campus development. Designed to help students and staff locate offices and teaching locations across campus, the mobile maps can be accessed easily on mobile devices and shared on university resources. 

Wondering how mobile wayfinding would work for you?

Wondering how mobile wayfinding would work for you?

Wondering how mobile wayfinding would work for you?

Speak to our team on  +44 (0)191 341 0016

Speak to our team on  +44 (0)191 341 0016

Speak to our team on
+44 (0)191 341 0016