In the colour selector window, you have a large variety of options for colour selection. You can either type the code of the colour you want in HEX, RGB, HSL, or you can use the colour selectors. The first colour selector tool allows you to select your standard colour and variations by moving the colour

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The Animation menu gives you several options to animate your element. You can set an enter animation or an exit animation to your element. You can also set a delay, this is the period of time in seconds before your animation starts. You can also set a repeat animation, as well as the delay time

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You can turn this function on in the content properties menu. Here you can see the preview of a content that is not stretched. The content keeps its original width and length. Here you can see a content that is stretched out. The content fills the whole screen.

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You can display live streams in your content in multiple ways. Since these streams are not provided by us, we can not guarantee that they are available at all times or have not been deleted. You can use the Youtube widget and set the source of it to the YouTube-live’s URL. Here are some samples:

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The slide transition sets the animation type between pages. You can set the animation type on the left side in the Main playlist or you can set it for each page in the Properties -> Page -> Dynamic Pages Menu. With the Opacity animation, the opacity of the page will be raised from 0 to

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