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Wayfinding Kiosks – Directories

geowayfinding interactive wayfinding directories

Interactive Wayfinding Directories & Kiosks

Get your audience they information they need, and guide them to where they need to be, with digital wayfinding directories and interactive kiosks. 

Interactive Wayfinding Directories & Kiosks

Get your audience they information they need, and guide them to where they need to be, with digital wayfinding directories and interactive kiosks. 

Guide users with engaging touch screen wayfinding solutions

Improved user experience

Make it easy to find key information, desired destination and best route

Beautifully crafted maps

Clear, concise, maps with animated pathways

Technology compatibiliity

Utilise wayfinding directories on compatible touch screen or kiosks

Generate revenue

Sell advertising pop-ups and streams across the interactive kiosks

Guide users with engaging touch screen wayfinding solutions

Improved user experience

Make it easy to find key information, desired destination and best route

Beautifully crafted maps

Clear, concise, maps with animated pathways

Technology compatibiliity

Utilise wayfinding directories on compatible touch screen or kiosks

Generate revenue

Sell advertising pop-ups and streams across the interactive kiosks

Looking for an interactive wayfinding directory solution?

Looking for an interactive wayfinding directory solution?

Looking for an interactive wayfinding directory solution?

Designed for dynamic user needs

Users can easily locate the information they need thanks to a seamless user interface, designed to streamline navigation. In a few clicks, your audience can search for a point-of-interest and get the best route to their destination. 

  • Smart search functionality to search across single or multiple sites
  • Categorisation and point-of-interest shortcuts 
  • Interactive pop-ups allow users to gain more information about a location including opening hours

Hardware agnostic

Our digital wayfinding directory solution can be provided as an all-in-one solution or integrated with your existing hardware. 

  • Complete Geowayfinding system with full gesture control and keyboard functionality
  • OR pre-configured player provided to fit your existing hardware 
  • Wayfinding software renders perfectly to any screen resolution

Multi-site functionality

Supporting multiple floors and sites, the wayfinding directory solution provides users with a guide to move in, between and across sites. Suitable for indoor or outdoor environments too, the software has unlimited capability.

  • Users can switch between floors and sites easily on the touch screen kiosks or in the mobile wayfinding maps
  • Clear, animated pathways

Mobile wayfinding integration

Using the interactive kiosks, users can determine a route and then use their phone to scan the QR code which will launch the map in their internet browser - taking the information with them as they make their way to a destination. 

  • Share maps easily across devices
  • No need for users to download software
  • Scan a QR code or access via simple url

Accessible routes

Accessible routes for disabled users are a standard feature of the interactive wayfinding directories. Accessible routes use paths with flat or easily accessible ground, widened corridors and elevators.

  • Wheelchair friendly paths
  • Users select the accessible routes option on the interactive touch screen 

Content management dashboard

With a complete end-to-end, web-based dashboard you have the freedom to change the content on your wayfinding directory systems remotely. 

  • Real-time updates
  • Change rooms, staff titles, add POIs and more

Additional ​modules​​​​​

Our interactive wayfinding directories can be customised with a number of additional modules to fulfill your specific organisation's needs.

  • Audience usage and tracking
  • Events management 
  • Visitor management and sign-in
  • RSS feeds

Speak to our team on +44 191 341 0016

Speak to our team on +44 191 341 0016

Speak to our team on
+44 191 341 0016

Case Study

Northumbria University

LamasaTech worked with Northumbira University on digital wayfinding solutions during campus development. Interactive kiosks and wayfinding directories were design to make it easy for anyone to locate staff members, faculties, classrooms and administrative offices.  

Case Study

Northumbria University

LamasaTech worked with Northumbira University on digital wayfinding solutions during campus development. Interactive kiosks and wayfinding directories were design to make it easy for anyone to locate staff members, faculties, classrooms and administrative offices.  

Ready to enhance user experience with interactive wayfinding directories?

Ready to enhance user experience with interactive wayfinding directories?

Ready to enhance user experience with interactive wayfinding directories?

Speak to our team on +44 191 341 0016

Speak to our team on +44 191 341 0016

Speak to our team on
+44 191 341 0016

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